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Confalonieri, F., Haave, H., Binder, S., Bober, A. M., Bragadottir, R., Baerland, T., Faber, R., Forsaa, V., & Et Al, . (2023). Macular hole Delphi consensus statement (MHOST). Acta Ophthalmol, 101(7), 815-825. doi: 10.1111/aos.15682 (IF: 3.4)
Corti, S., Cavagnola, R., & Carnevali, D. (2023). Il Progetto di Vita orientato alla qualità di vita della persona con autismo: da una visione riabilitativa verso una prospettiva esistenziale.. In L. Mazzone, & G. Vivanti (Hrsg.), Il trattamento nel disturbo dello spettro autistico. (S. .). Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico.
Corti, S., Cavagnola, R., Carnevali, D., Leoni, M., Fioriti, F., Galli, L., Alzani, L., Michelini, G., Miselli, G., & Chiodelli, G. (2023). The life project of people with autism and intellectual disability: investigating personal preferences and values to enhance self-determination. Psychiatria Danubina, 35(3), 9-93.
Corti, S., Cavagnola, R., Carnevali, D., Leoni, M., Fioriti, F., Galli, M. L., Alzani, L., Michelini, G., Miselli, G., & Chiodelli, G. (2023). Il Progetto di Vita orientato alla Qualità di Vita della persona con autismo. Giornale Italiano dei Disturbi del Neurosviluppo, 8(1), 10-27.
Dale, R., Humer, E., Probst, T., Brühl, D., Pieh, C., Wenninger, O., & Neubauer, V. (2023). Letter to the Editor: Risk factors for suicidality in veterinarians in Austria. Response to the article entitled: “Suicide mortality among physicians, dentists, veterinarians, and pharmacists as well as other high-skilled occupations in Austria from 1986". Psychiatry Research, 327, 115410. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115410 (IF: 11.3)
Daniel-Fischer, L., Antlanger, M., Cejka, D., Eller, K., Gauckler, P., Odler, B., Rudnicki, M., Säemann, M. D., Schmidt, A., Sunder-Plassmann, G., Wiesholzer, M., Windpessl, M., Zitt, E., Koenig, F., Greenbaum, L. A., Kronbichler, A., & Aufricht, C. (2023). Clopidogrel for Proteinuria Reduction in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Phase 2 Trial Design. Kidney Int Rep, 9(2), 478-481. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2023.10.027 (IF: 6.0)
Daniel, A., Brunner, M., & Knasmüller, F. (2023). Does Gender Play a Role? A Gendered Frame Analysis of the Pandemic Skeptic Protests in Austria. German Politics and Society, 41(2), 61–79. doi: 10.3167/gps.2023.410204
De Francesco, S., & Scaini, S. (2023). Twin pair studies interlinking genetics, environment, and anxiety domains with anger. In C. Martin, V. Preedy, & V. Patel (Hrsg.), Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence (S. -). Cham: Springer International. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-98711-4_5-1
De Francesco, S., Morello, L., Fioravanti, M., Cassaro, C., Grazioli, S., Busti Ceccarelli, S., Nobile, M., Molteni, M., & Crippa, A. (2023). A multimodal approach can identify specific motor profiles in autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Autism Research, 16(8), 1550-1560. doi: 10.1002/aur.2989 (IF: 4.7)
De Francesco, S., Scaini, S., Alessandri, G., Medda, E., Camoni, L., Stazi, M. A., & Fagnani, C. (2023). Age-Related Variations of Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Covariation of Fear, Distress and Externalizing Symptoms: A Twin Study in Childhood and Adolescence. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, -(Epub ahead of print), -. doi: 10.1007/s10578-023-01498-w (IF: 2.776)
De Francesco, S., Scaini, S., Alessandri, G., Medda, E., Camoni, L., Stazi, M. A., & Fagnani, C. (2023). Age-Related Variations of Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Covariation of Fear, Distress and Externalizing Symptoms: A Twin Study in Childhood and Adolescence. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, .(.), .. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-023-01498-w (IF: 2.776)
De Luca, L., Gragnano, F., Calabro, P., & Huber, K. (2023). Balancing benefits and risks of oral antiplatelet strategies in patients with coronary artery diseases: an evolving issue. Curr Probl Cardiol, 48(12), 102025. doi: 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2023.102025 (IF: 4.2)
Ditye, T., Rodax, N., & Welleschik, L. (2023). Alexinomia: The fear of using personal names. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1129272. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1129272 (IF: 4.232)
Domic, D., Bertl, K., Lang, T., Pandis, N., Ulm, C., & Stavropoulos, A. (2023). Hyaluronic acid in tooth extraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical and clinical trials. Clin Oral Investig, 27(12), 7209-7229. doi: 10.1007/s00784-023-05227-4 (IF: 3.4)
Donhauser, L. V., Veloso De Oliveira, J., Schick, C., Manlik, W., Styblova, S., Lutzenberger, S., Aigner, M., Philipp, P., Robert, S., Gandorfer, B., Hempel, D., Hempel, L., & Zehn, D. (2023). Responses of patients with cancer to mRNA vaccines depend on the time interval between vaccination and last treatment. J Immunother Cancer, 11(9), e007387. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2023-007387 (IF: 10.9)
Doralt, W., & Keiler, S. (Hrsg.). (2023). Kodex Verbraucherrecht 2023. Wien: LexisNexis.
Ducreux, M., Abou-Alfa, G. K., Bekail-Saab, T., Berlin, J., Cervantes, A., De Baere, T., Eng, C., Galle, P., Gill, S., Gruenberger, T., Haustermans, K., Lamarca, A., & Et Al, . (2023). The management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Current expert opinion and recommendations derived from the 24th ESMO/World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 2022. ESMO Open, 8(3), 101567. doi: 10.1016/j.esmoop.2023.101567 (IF: 8.7)
Egger, J., Mindler, G., Raimann, A., Zwerina, J., & Kocijan, R. (2023). Die Herausforderung der Transition von Patientinnen mit Phosphatdiabetes: ein Fallbericht. J. Miner. Stoffwechs. Muskuloskelet. Erkrank, -(-), 2-5. doi: https://doLorg/10.1007/s41970-023-00219-y
Eichenberg, C. (2023). Digitale Interventionen bei Angststörungen: Vielversprechende Ansätze. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, PP 22(9), 410-412.
Eichenberg, C. (2023). E-Mental-Health und Depression: Schulenintegrative Offenheit wünschenswert. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, 21(11), 517-518.
Eichenberg, C. (2023). Online-Fortbildungen in Psychotraumatologie: Angebot und Wirksamkeit. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, PP 22(7), 325-327.
Eichenberg, C. (2023). Psy­cho­dy­na­mi­sche Ansätze in der Online-Therapie Kom­pe­ten­z­wis­sen für Psy­cho­dy­na­mi­sche Psy­cho­the­ra­peu­ten. PdP – Psy­cho­dy­na­mi­sche Psy­cho­the­ra­pie, 22(3), 230-244. doi: 10.21706/pdp-22-3-230
Eichenberg, C. (2023). Psychodynamische Kompetenzen. PDP - Psychodynamische Psychotherapie, 22(3), -. doi: 10.21706/pdp-22-3
Eichenberg, C. (2023). Traumafolgestörungen: Fehlende Qualitätskontrolle bei therapeutischen Apps. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, PP 21(4), 178-181.
Eichenberg, C., & Huss, J. (2023). Trauma und digitale Medien: Therapiemöglichkeiten und Risiken. Traumafolgestörungen, Bd. 3 (Hrsg.: Robert Bering, Christiane Eichenberg). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.