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Kübler, F., & Stephenson, A. (2024). Heimaterzählung(en) - Interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen des Potentials Narrativer Landkarten aus der Perspektive von Geographie und Psychoanalytischer Pädagogik. In K. Schönberger, & H. P. Groß (Hrsg.), Heimat. Beiträge zu einem Ort, an dem noch nie jemand gewesen ist (S. 101-116). München - Wien: Profil Verlag.
Kuiper, B. I., Hilal, M. A., Aldrighetti, L. A., Björnsson, B., D'hondt, M., Dopazo, C., Fretland, A. A., Isoniemi, H., Jonas, J. P., Kazemier, G., Lesurtel, M., Primrose, J., Schnitzbauer, A. A., Buffart, T., Gruenberger, B., Swijnenburg, R. J., & Gruenberger, T. (2024). Pan-European survey on current treatment strategies in patients with upfront resectable colorectal liver metastases. HPB (Oxford), -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2024.01.007 (IF: 2.9)
Külzer, D., Kalt, S., & Walla, P. (2024). The Connection between Neurophysiological Correlates of Trust and Distrust and Isolated HEXACO Dimensions. Life, 14(3), 362. doi: 10.3390/life14030362 (IF: 3.2)
Kunz, A. (2024). Eradicating hunger through climate litigation?. European Journal of Futures Research, 2024(12), 14. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40309-024-00236-2
Lachmayer, K. (2024). Out of balance? Revisiting Separation of Powers in Times of During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In P. Riberi (Hrsg.), Pandemocracy in Latin America (S. 237-256). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Lachmayer, K. (2024). The Constitutional Context of Climate Change Litigation: A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Austria. In I. Alogna, C. Billet, M. Fermeglia, & A. Holzhausen (Hrsg.), Climate Change Litigation in Europe. Regional, Comparative and Sectoral Perspectives (S. 59-78). Cambridge: Intersentia.
Lachmayer, K. (2024). The Constitutional Context of Climate Change Litigation. A comparative analysis of Germany and Austria. In I. Alogna, C. Billiet, M. Fermeglia, & A. Holzhausen (Hrsg.), Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward (S. 59-78). Cambridge: Intersentia Publishing.
Lachmayer, K., & Gstöttner, S. (2024). The Austrian Constitutional Court. A human rights stronghold despite increasing judicial restraint. In K. Pócza (Hrsg.), Constitutional Review in Western Europe. Judicial-Legislative Relations in Comparative Perspective (S. 26-51). London: Routledge.
Laimböck, B. (2024). Grandiosität oder Suizid – Das ist die Frage. Das gespaltene Selbst im Selbstporträt. In G. Franzen, & K. Menzen (Hrsg.), Kunst trifft Psyche. 40 Jahre deutschsprachige Kunsttherapie (S. 137-160). Köln: Claus Richter Verlag. https://richterverlag.de/produkt/kunst-trifft-psyche-40-jahre-deutschsprachige-kunsttherapie/
Laimböck, B. (2024). Psychosomatik von Liebe und Sexualität poetisch erklärt. Psychosomatik – Wenn der Körper für de Seele spricht, 1-2/2024, 102-118. doi: doi.org/10.24989/imagination.v46i1-2
Laky, B., Bruckmann, C., Blumenschein, J., Durstberger, G., & Haririan, H. (2024). Effect of a multinutrient supplement as an adjunct to nonsurgical treatment of periodontitis: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Periodontol, 95(2), 101-113. doi: 10.1002/JPER.23-0115 (IF: 4.2)
Lang, C., Winkler, S., Koren, J., Gritsch, G., Pollreisz, D., Köpl, S., Kluge, T., & Baumgartner, C. (2024). Feasibility of an Integrated Telemonitoring System for Home-Recorded EEG with Automated AI-Based EEG Analysis. Stud Health Technol Inform, 313(-), 158-159. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240030
Laubreuter, H. (2024). Doktorat der Psychotherapiewissenschaft. In A. Jank-Humann, & R. Popp (Hrsg.), Kultur, Psyche und Desaster. Beiträge aus Europäischer Ethnologie, Psychotherapiewissenschaft, Katastrophenforschung und Frisistik (S. 436-441). Münster: Waxmann.
Levi, S., Ripamonti, M., Moro, A. S., & Cozzi, A. (2024). Iron imbalance in neurodegeneration. Molecular Psychiatry, -(Ahead of print), -. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02399-z (IF: 13.437)
Likar, R., Poglitsch, R., Bejvancicky, S., Carl, L., Ferencik, M., Klein-Watrycz, A., Rieger, M., Flores, K. S., Schumich, A., Vlamaki, Z., & Werner, M. (2024). The Use of High-Dose Intravenous L-Ascorbate in Pain Therapy: Current Evidence from the Literature. Pain Ther, 14(4), 767-790. doi: 10.1007/s40122-024-00622-5 (IF: 4.1)
Lin, Y., Lockey, A., Greif, R., Cheng, A., & Education Implementation Team Task Force Of The International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation Ilcor, . (2024). The effect of scripted debriefing in resuscitation training: A scoping review. Resusc Plus, -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.resplu.2024.100581 (IF: 2.4)
Lorenz, R., Paasch, C., Stechemesser, B., Reinpold, W., Niebuhr, H., Fortelny, R. H., Mayer, F., Köckerling, F., & Mantke, R. (2024). Long-term evaluation of the Hernia Compact course of the German Hernia School. Hernia, -(-), -. doi: 10.1007/s10029-024-02966-5 (IF: 2.3)
Lussi, A., & Cvikl, B. (2024). Dentale Erosionen. In A. Filippi, C. Filippi, & K. W. Neuhaus (Hrsg.), Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (S. 169-173). Berlin: QUINTESSENZ.
Madersbacher, S., & Oelke, M. (2024). The Role of Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Male Non-neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms-Any Additional News?. Eur Urol, -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2024.05.022 (IF: 25.3)
Maier, K., Riepl, A., Voitl, P., Lischka, L., Voitl, J. J. M., Langer, K., Kuzio, U., Redlberger-Fritz, M., & Diesner-Treiber, S. C. (2024). Characterisation of RSV infections in children without chronic diseases aged 0-36 months during the post-COVID-19 winter season 2022/2023. Front Pediatr, -(-), -. doi: 10.3389/fped.2024.1342399 (IF: 2.6)
Martins, C., Rasbach, E., Heppt, M. V., Singh, P., Kulcsar, Z., Holzgruber, J., Chakraborty, A., Mucciarone, K., Kleffel, S., Brandenburg, A., Hoetzenecker, W., Rahbari, N. N., Decaprio, J. A., Thakuria, M., Murphy, G. F., Ramsey, M. R., Posch, C., Barthel, S. R., & Schatton, T. (2024). Tumor cell-intrinsic PD-1 promotes Merkel cell carcinoma growth by activating downstream mTOR-mitochondrial ROS signaling. Sci Adv, 10(3), eadi2012. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adi2012 (IF: 14.957)
Mayer, G., Dobrev, D., Kaski, J. C., Semb, A. G., Huber, K., Zirlik, A., Agewall, S., & Drexel, H. (2024). Management of dyslipidaemia in patients with comorbidities-facing the challenge. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother, -(-), -. doi: 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvae058
Mayerhofer, D., Haider, K., Amon, M., Gächter, A., O`rourke, T., Dale, R., Humer, E., Probst, T., & Pieh, C. (2024). The Association between Problematic Smartphone Use and Mental Health in Austrian Adolescents and Young Adults. Healthcare, 12(6), 600. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12060600 (IF: 2.8)
Mazur, L. (2024). “A dim recognition.” Religion as a font of psychological innovation. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 58, 845–854. doi: 10.1007/s12124-024-09858-4 (IF: 1.1)
Mazur, L. (2024). “The victim” and the democratization of victimhood. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, -(Ahead of print), -. doi: 10.1037/teo0000290 (IF: 1.0)