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Valent, P., Orazi, A., Savona, M., Patnaik, M., Onida, F., Van De Loosdrecht, A., Haase, D., Haferlach, T., Elena, C., Pleyer, L., Kern, W., Pemovska, T., Vladimer, G., Schanz, J., Keller, A., Lübbert, M., Lion, T., Sotlar, K., Reiter, A., De Witte, T., Pfeilstöcker, M., Geissler, K., & Et Al., .. (2019). Proposed diagnostic criteria for classical chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), CMML variants and pre-CMML conditions. Haematologica, 104(10), 1935-1949. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2019.222059
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