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Hampl, S. (2017). F*ck the therapist! Basic Instinkt und Basic Instinct 2. In M. Poltrum, & B. Rieken (Eds.), Seelenkenner Psychoschurken. Psychotherapeuten und Psychiater in Film und Serie (pp. 243-258). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
Hampl, S. (2017). Qualitätskultur: Ein Blick in die gelebte Praxis der Hochschulen. Beiträge zur 4. AQ Jahrestagung 2016. In .. A Q Austria (Ed.), Qualitätskultur und Qualitätsaufsicht – aus Sicht der Privatuniversitäten (pp. 63-67). Wien: Facultas Verlag.
Hampl, S. (2017). Videoanalysen von Fernsehshows und Musikvideos: Ausgewählte Fallbeispiele zur dokumentarischen Methode. Leverkusen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Hampl, S., & Mihalits, D. S. (2017). Russian revival of the St. George myth and its imagery. A study based on reconstructive picture interpretation and psychoanalysis. In B. Wagoner, I. Bresco De Luna, & S. H. Awad (Eds.), The Psychology of Imagination. History, Theory and New Research Horizons (pp. 295-315). Niels Bohr Professorship Lectures in Cultural Psychology, Vol. 2017 (Eds.: Brady Wagoner, Nandita Chaudhary, Pernille Hviid). Charlotte, NC, USA: IAP - Information Age Publishing.
Hampl, S., Abrhámová, M., Foessleitner, M., Hubbe, S., Koch, L., & Zamfirescu, I. (2017). Generation Innovation Across Europe: Participative youth research in Lviv, Magdeburg, Olomouc and Vienna. Wien: Sigmund Freud Private University.
Hampl, S., Carré, D., & Valsiner, J. (2017). Going Backwards to Move Forward: Understanding the shortcomings of Developmental Science. In J. Valsiner, D. Carré, & S. Hampl (Eds.), Representing Development: Social construction of models of change (pp. 1-8). London and New York: Routledge.
Heichinger, M. (2017). Rezension - Bindung und Veränderung in der psychotherapeutischen Beziehung: Grundlagen und Anwendung. Zeitschrift für freie psychoanalytische Forschung und Individualpsychologie, 4(1), 93-97. doi: 10.15136/2017.4.1.93-97
Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 1: Customs System and Law - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 6-11). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Priscilla Mei-Fun Leung, Guiguo Wang). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 3: Foreign Direct Investment System and Law - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 34-37). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Pricilla Mei-Fun Leung). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 4: Monetary and Banking System and Law - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 38-52). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Priscilla Mei-Fun Leung). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 5: Laws Relating to Construction of Infrastructure - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 53-64). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Priscilla Mei-Fun Leung). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 6: Laws Relating to Labour Management and Treatment - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 65-83). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Priscilla Mei-Fun Leung). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
Heindler, F. (2017). Internationale Übertragung von Forderungen in Bewegung - ein IPR für Vermögen, das an Finanzmärkten gehandelt wird oder als Sicherheit dient?. Zeitschrift für Finanzmarktrecht, -(4), 166-170.
Heindler, F. (2017). Internationale Zuständigkeit und anwendbares Recht bei Vertrieb von Finanzdienstleistungen im Fernabsatz. In F. Heindler, & B. Verschraegen (Eds.), Internationale Bankgeschäfte mit Verbrauchern (pp. 155-199). Wien: Jan Sramek Verlag.
Heindler, F. (2017). Introduction - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 4-5). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Pricilla Mei-Fun Leung). China: Zhejiang University Press.
Heindler, F. (2017). Sachenrecht. Wien: SFU University Press.
Heindler, F., & Verschraegen, B. (2017). Austria. In P. Beaumont, M. Danov, K. Trimmings, & B. Yüksel (Eds.), Cross-Border Litigation in Europe (pp. 243-254). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Heindler, F., & Verschraegen, B. (Eds.). (2017). Internationale Bankgeschäfte mit Verbrauchern. Wien: Jan Sramek Verlag.
Herta, J., Koren, J., Fürbass, F., Hartmann, M., Gruber, A., & Baumgartner, C. (2017). Reduced electrode arrays for the automated detection of rhythmic and periodic patterns in the intensive care unit: Frequently tried, frequently failed?. Clin Neurophysiol, 128(8), 1524-1531. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2017.04.012
Herta, J., Koren, J., Fürbass, F., Zöckmeister, A., Hartmann, M., Hosmann, A., Baumgartner, C., & Gruber, A. (2017). Applicability of NeuroTrend as a bedside monitor in the neuro ICU. Clin Neurophysiol, 128(6), 1000-1007. doi: 0.1016/j.clinph.2017.04.002
Hilgers, R., Uschner, D., Rosenberger, W. F., & Heussen, N. (2017). ERDO - a framework to select an appropriate randomization procedure for clinical trials. BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 17(1), 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12874-017-0428-z (IF: 3.295)
Hödl, W., Schernhammer, T., & Eder, E. (2017). Crustacea: Anostraca, Notostraca, Conchostraca. In O. Moog, & A. Hartmann (Eds.), Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, 3. Lieferung (pp. 1-13). Wien: BMLFUW.
Hofmann, A., Gruber-Blum, S., Petter-Puchner, A., Glaser, K., & Fortelny, R. (2017). Delayed closure of open abdomen in septic patients treated with negative pressure wound therapy and dynamic fascial suture: the long-term follow-up study. Surg Endosc, 31(11), 4717-4724. doi: 10.1007/s00464-017-5547-4
Hölblinger, J., & Hametner, K. (2017). Zur alltäglichen Konstruktion des 'patriarchalen' männlichen Geflüchteten. Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik, 41(161), 7-28.
Horsch, A., Jacobs, I., Gilbert, L., Favrod, C., Schneider, J., Morisod Harari, M., & Bickle Graz, M. (2017). Impact of perinatal asphyxia on parental mental health and bonding with the infant: a questionnaire survey of Swiss parents. BMJ Paediatrics Open, -(Epub), -. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000059