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Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 1: Customs System and Law - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 6-11). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Priscilla Mei-Fun Leung, Guiguo Wang). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
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Heindler, F. (2017). Chapter 6: Laws Relating to Labour Management and Treatment - Austria. In A. Y. Lee, & P. M. Leung (Eds.), Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (pp. 65-83). Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries, Vol. 1/16 (Eds.: Guiguo Wang, Alan Yuk-Lun Lee, Priscilla Mei-Fun Leung). Hong Kong: Zhejiang University Press.
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