2021 |
Bilyakovych, L., Hampl, S., & Hampl, N. (2021). Striving for Fashion: Historical Voices in the Chorus of Beauty. Human Arenas, -(Online first), -. doi: 10.1007/s42087-021-00249-4 |
2019 |
Hampl, S. (2019). Breaking Bad. In M. Poltrum, B. Rieken, & T. Ballhausen (Eds.), Zocker, Drogenfreaks & Trunkenbolde (pp. 387-407). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-57377-8_28 |
Hampl, S. (2019). Вільгельм Райх з Галичини: (Ще) нема пророка у своїй вітчизні. Ukraina Moderna, -(Epub), -. http://uamoderna.com/md/hampl-wilhelm-reich |
2017 |
Eichenberg, C., & Hampl, S. (2017). „Altern auf dem Egotrip“. Interpretation des Spielfilms „Giulias Verschwinden“. In B. Strauss, & S. Philipp (Eds.), Wilde Erdbeeren auf Wolke 9 (pp. 51-64). Berlin: Springer. |
Hampl, S. (2017). Dobzauer Erinnerungen. Eine (Zeit-)Reise zum Geburtsort von Wilhelm Reich. In T. Slunecko, M. Wieser, & A. Przyborski (Eds.), Kulturpsychologie in Wien (pp. 90-127). Wien: Facultas Verlag. |
Hampl, S. (2017). F*ck the therapist! Basic Instinkt und Basic Instinct 2. In M. Poltrum, & B. Rieken (Eds.), Seelenkenner Psychoschurken. Psychotherapeuten und Psychiater in Film und Serie (pp. 243-258). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. |
Hampl, S. (2017). Qualitätskultur: Ein Blick in die gelebte Praxis der Hochschulen. Beiträge zur 4. AQ Jahrestagung 2016. In .. A Q Austria (Ed.), Qualitätskultur und Qualitätsaufsicht – aus Sicht der Privatuniversitäten (pp. 63-67). Wien: Facultas Verlag. |
Hampl, S. (2017). Videoanalysen von Fernsehshows und Musikvideos: Ausgewählte Fallbeispiele zur dokumentarischen Methode. Leverkusen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. |
Hampl, S., & Mihalits, D. S. (2017). Russian revival of the St. George myth and its imagery. A study based on reconstructive picture interpretation and psychoanalysis. In B. Wagoner, I. Bresco De Luna, & S. H. Awad (Eds.), The Psychology of Imagination. History, Theory and New Research Horizons (pp. 295-315). Niels Bohr Professorship Lectures in Cultural Psychology, Vol. 2017 (Eds.: Brady Wagoner, Nandita Chaudhary, Pernille Hviid). Charlotte, NC, USA: IAP - Information Age Publishing. http://www.infoagepub.com/products/The-Psychology-of-Imagination |
Hampl, S., Abrhámová, M., Foessleitner, M., Hubbe, S., Koch, L., & Zamfirescu, I. (2017). Generation Innovation Across Europe: Participative youth research in Lviv, Magdeburg, Olomouc and Vienna. Wien: Sigmund Freud Private University. |
Hampl, S., Carré, D., & Valsiner, J. (2017). Going Backwards to Move Forward: Understanding the shortcomings of Developmental Science. In J. Valsiner, D. Carré, & S. Hampl (Eds.), Representing Development: Social construction of models of change (pp. 1-8). London and New York: Routledge. |
2016 |
Benetka, G. (2016). Observations on Karl and Charlotte Bühler’s perspective of development. In D. Carré, J. Valsiner, & S. Hampl (Eds.), Representing Development: The Social Construction of Models of Change (pp. 154-157). Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation, Vol. XX (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). London/New York: Routeledge. |
Carré, D. M., Valsiner, J., & Hampl, S. (2016). General conclusion – Representing Development. The social construction of models of change.. In D. M. Carré, J. Valsiner, & S. Hampl (Eds.), Representing Development: The social construction of models of change (pp. 194-197). Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation, Vol. 10 (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). London/New York: Routeledge. |
Carré, D. M., Valsiner, J., & Hampl, S. (Eds.). (2016). Representing Development: The Social Construction of Models of Change. Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation, Vol. 10 (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). London/New York: Routeledge. |
Hampl, S. (2016). EU-ropa Regina: Die Bildpolitik der neuen Euro-Banknoten. In S. Hartmann, & C. Thiel (Eds.), Der schöne Schein. Symbolik und Ästhetik von Banknoten (pp. 189-220). Regenstauf: Gietl Verlag. |
Hampl, S. (2016). Generation Innovation across Europe. Participative youth research in Lviv, Mag-deburg, Olomouc and Vienna (Interim Report). Wien: Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität. http://www.respekt.net/uploads/tx_alprojectfunding/Generation_Innovation_across_Europe_-_Interim_Report_0810.pdf |
Wieser, M. (2016). On the „Ganzheit“ and stratification of the mind. The emergence of Heinz Werner’s theory of development. In D. Carré, J. Valsiner, & S. Hampl (Eds.), Representing development. The social construction of models of change (pp. 137-146). New York: Routledge. |
2015 |
Hampl, S., & Joerchel, A. C. (2015). Selge kommunikatsioon: kuidas saaks psühholoogia kaasa aidata. In Selge Kommunikatsioon. Artiklite kogumik. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus. http://eurokeelehoole.eki.ee/documents/compendiums/4dd9290d57c975af027764b95675afd9.pdf |