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Mazur, L. B. (2018). Searching for the sense of suffering. Looking through the lens of enchanted and disenchanted worldviews. In S. Brown, & L. Tateo (Eds.), The method of imagination (pp. 117-130). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Mcsharry, B., & Tóth, E. F. (2018). Chronic physical invisible illness denial«: self-loathing, iatrotheology and supporting rationalization. Kairos, 1-2(12), 33-47.
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Menzen, K. (2018). Das universelle Verlangen nach Ganzheit. Neurologische und bildtherapeutische Betrachtungen der Bilder kranker und behinderter Menschen. In F. Von Spreti, P. Martius, & F. Steger (Eds.), KunstTherapie. Wirkung-Handwerk-Praxis (pp. 215-226). München: Schattauer.
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Menzen, K. (2018). Von den Bildern in den Köpfen der Kinder, Eltern und Erzieher.Eine Heilpädagogin, ein Entwicklungspsychologe, eine Neuropsychiatrin und ein Quantenphysiker im Gespräch. In H. Duncker, R. Hampe, & M. Wigger (Eds.), Kreative Lernfelder. Künstlerische Therapien in Kultur- und Bildungskontexten (pp. 46-57). Freibug: Karl Alber Verlag.
Messina, I., Gelo, O. C. G., Sambin, M., Bianco, F., Mosconi, A., Fenelli, A., Curto, M., Gullo, S., & Orlinsky, D. (2018). Trainees' self‐evaluation of their development as psychotherapists: An Italian contribution to an international collaborative study on psychotherapy training. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 25(2), 338-347. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2165 (IF: 1,93)
Messina, I., Gelo, O. C., Gullo, S., Sambin, M., Mosconi, A., Fenelli, A., Curto, M., & Orlinsky, D. (2018). Personal background, motivation and interpersonal style of psychotherapy trainees having different theoretical orientations: An Italian contribution to an international collaborative study on psychotherapy training. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 18(3), 299-307. doi: 10.1002/capr.12176
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Minkov, M. (2018). An update on the treatment of pediatric-onset Langerhans cell histiocytosis through pharmacotherapy. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 19(3), 233–242. doi: 10.1080/14656566.2018.1429405 (IF: 4.103)
Moser, S., Kozbiak, K., Laferl, H., Schütz, A., Reiberger, T., Schwabl, P., Gutic, E., Schwanke, C., Schubert, R., Luhn, J., Lang, T., Schleicher, M., Steindl-Munda, P., Haltmayer, H., Ferenci, P., & Gschwantler, M. (2018). Efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for 12 weeks in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 and compensated liver disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 30(3), 291-295.
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Nahmias, I. (2018). Changing identities. The role of language in migration: A life-course perspective. SFU Forschungsbulletin, 6(1), 1-13. doi:
Neset, S., & Mazur, L. (2018). Democratic revolutions? Interdisciplinary insights on social stability and social change in psychology and political science. In B. Wagoner, F. Moghaddam, & J. Valsiner (Eds.), The road to actualized democracy: A psychological exploration (pp. 85-110). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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