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Gelo, O. C. (2014). Understanding biographical ruptures and transitions: A dynamic systems approach to life-course development. In A. C. Zopf-Jörchel, & G. Benetka (Eds.), Biographical ruptures and their repair: Cultural transitions in development (pp. 31-56). Advances in cultural psychology, Vol. - (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Hametner, K. (2014). Education and Racism. On the Inscriptions of Racist and Ethnicizing Interpellations in the Education Biographies of Austrian-Turkish Women. In A. C. Jörchel, & G. Benetka (Eds.), Biographical Ruptures and their Repair. Cultural Transitions in Development (pp. 161-188). Book Series in Advances in Cultural Psychology, Vol. - (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Joerchel, A. C., & Dreher, E. (2014). Adolescence and transitions in developmental psychology. In A. C. Joerchel, & G. Benetka (Eds.), Biographical Ruptures and Their Repair: Cultural Transitions in Development (pp. 3-30). Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development, Vol. - (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Zopf-Jörchel, A., & Benetka, G. (2014). Biographical Ruptures and their Repair. Cultural Transitions in Development. Advances in Cultural Psychology, Vol. - (Ed.: Jaan Valsiner). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Benetka, G. (2013). Rezension: Douwe Draaisma, Das Buch des Vergessens. Warum Träume so schnell verloren gehen und Erinnerungen sich ständig verändern. Berlin: Galiani, 2012.. Psychotherapeut, 58(5), 518-520.
Benetka, G. (2013). Rezension: Peter Dudek, "Er war halt genialer als die anderen". Biografische Annäherungen an Siegfried Bernfeld. Luzifer-Amor, 26(51), 182-184.
Benetka, G. (2013). Rezensionsaufsatz: Heinz Jürgen Kaiser & Hans Werbik, Handlungspsychologie. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. Psychologie in Österreich, 33(5), 421-422.
Benetka, G. (2012). Wovon handeln wissenschaftliche Texte? Zur erkenntnistheoretischen Bedeutung von Visualisierung in der Wissenschaft. Journal für Psychologie, 20(3), o.S.
Benetka, G. (2012). Zur Kritik des Subjektbegriffs in der Psychologie. Wien: Sigmund Freud University Press.
Benetka, G., & Posch, K. (2011). Die Abwehr von Neugierde. Zur Funktion von Geschichte in der Psychoanalyse. In C. Eigner, U. Körbitz, G. Lyon, & K. Posch (Eds.), Psychoanalyse an der Peripherie. Grazer Diskurse (pp. 61-74). Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
Schiesser, A. W., Baumgartner, I., Angel, A., & Benetka, G. (2011). The Psychosocial and Physical Functions of HLA-B27 Comorbidities Using the Example of Anterior Uveitis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. In A. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Vol. 83 (pp. 53-77). USA: Nova Science. doi: 10.13140/2.1.4363.7761
Gelo, O. G. C., Braakmann, D., & Benetka, G. (2008). Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Beyond the Debate. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 42, 266–290. doi: