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Keiler, S., & Binder, K. (2022). Amtswegige Prüfpflicht von missbräuchlichen Klauseln - 6 Ob 105/21s. Notariatszeitung (NZ), 2022, 287-294.
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Kölli, F., Breyer, M. K., Hartl, S., Burghuber, O., Wouters, E. F. M., Sigsgaard, T., Pohl, W., Kohlböck, G., & Breyer-Kohansal, R. (2022). Aero-Allergen Sensitization in the General Population: Longitudinal Analyses of the LEAD (Lung Heart Social Body) Study. J Asthma Allergy, -(-), 461-473. doi: 10.2147/JAA.S349614
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König, C. A., Tinhofer, F., Puntus, T., Burger, A. L., Neubauer, N., Langenberger, H., Huber, K., Nürnberg, M., & Zweiker, D. (2022). Is diversity harmful?-Mixed-brand cardiac implantable electronic devices undergoing magnetic resonance imaging. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 134(7-8), 286-293. doi: 10.1007/s00508-021-01924-w (IF: 2.6)
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Kornauth, C., Pemovska, T., Vladimer, G. I., Bayer, G., Bergmann, M., Eder, S., Eichner, R., Erl, M., Esterbauer, H., Exner, R., Felsleitner-Hauer, V., Forte, M., Gaiger, A., Geissler, K., & Et Al, . (2022). Functional Precision Medicine Provides Clinical Benefit in Advanced Aggressive Hematological Cancers and Identifies Exceptional Responders. Cancer Discov, 12(2), 372-387. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0538
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Kovačević Tojnko, N., & Rožič, T. (2022). Skupne značilnosti programov metasupervizije znotraj socialnega varstva v Sloveniji in njihove podobnosti z generičnim modelom supervizije. Kairos: slovenska revija za psihoterapijo, 16(3-4), 81-121.
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Krennmair, S., Malek, M., Forstner, T., Krennmair, G., Stimmelmayr, M., & Hunger, S. (2022). Immediately loaded implants simultaneously placed in fresh extraction and healed sites supporting four-implant-supported fixed mandibular prostheses using the all-on-4 concept: A 5-year prospective study. Clin Oral Implants Res, 33(2), 158-171. doi: 10.1111/clr.13879