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Eichenberg, C., & Mali­sch­nig, D. (2022). E-Mental Health Anwen­dun­gen im Bereich der Sucht­the­ra­pie. SUCHT, 6, 16-21.
Eichenberg, C., & Schwa­beg­ger, M. (2022). Sexu­elle Grenz­ver­let­zun­gen und –über­schrei­tun­gen in Psy­cho­the­ra­pien. Eine Befra­gung unter öster­rei­chi­schen Psychotherapeut/innen und Folgetherapeut/innen betrof­fe­ner Patient/innen. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 12(1), 77-85. doi: https://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.6625
Eichenberg, C., Aranyi, G., Rach, P., & Winter, L. (2022). Therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy across online and face-to-face settings: A quantitative analysis. Internet Interventions, 29, 100556. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2022.100556
Eichenberg, C., Grossfurthner, M., Andrich, J., Kietaibl, S., & Holocher-Benetka, S. (2022). Indifferent, Responsible or Overwhelmed? An Online Survey About the Emotional State of Young Adults During the Early Phases of the Covid-19 Lockdown in Germany and Austria. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 72(5), 189-198. doi: 10.1055/a-1591-1305
Eichenberg, C., Huss, J., Küsel, C., & Hertlein, K. (2022). Desire to Have Children and the Internet: Aspects for Psychosomatic Practice. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, -(-), -. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/15332691.2022.2136810
Eichenberg, C., Huss, J., Küsel, C., & Hertlein, K. (2022). Inter­net usage and the desire to have child­ren: Aspects for psy­cho­so­ma­tic prac­tice. Jour­nal of Couple & Rela­ti­ons­hip The­rapy, Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/15332691.2022.2136810
Eichenberg, C., Piening, K., & Van Loh, J. (2022). College of Education for the Future, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, China. Z Psychosom Med Psychother, 68(1), 24-38. doi: 10.13109/zptm.2022.68.1.24
Eichenberg, C., Piening, K., & Van Loh, J. (2022). Explo­ra­tion und Berück­sich­ti­gung von Medi­en­pro­ble­men in der Psy­cho­the­ra­pie von Erwach­se­nen: Eine Online- Befra­gung von Psychotherapeut*innen. Zeit­schrift für Psy­cho­so­ma­ti­sche Medi­zin und Psy­cho­the­ra­pie, 68(1), 24-38. doi: https://doi.org/10.13109/zptm.2022.68.1.24
Eichenberg, C., Piening, K., & Van Loh, J. (2022). Exploration and consideration of media problems in the psychotherapy of adults: An online survey of psychotherapists. Z Psychosom Med Psychorther, 68(1), 24-38. doi: 10.13109/zptm.2022.68.1.24
Eichenberg, C., Piening, K., & Van Loh, J. (2022). Exploration und Berücksichtigung von Medienproblemen in der Psychotherapie von Erwachsenen: Eine Online-Befragung von Psychotherapeut*innen. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 68(1), 24-38.
Eichenberg, C., Raile, P., Becher, S., Dapeci, C., Pacher, J., Rach, P., Schiller, B., Wimmer, E., & Winter, L. (2022). Online- und Tele­psy­cho­the­ra­pie. Über den Wech­sel des Set­tings wäh­rend der Covid-19-Pandemie. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 11(2), 71-79. doi: https://doi.org/10.30820/1664-9583-2021-2-71
Eisenberger, I., & Lachmayer, K. (2022). Drohnen und Recht. Wien: Manz.
Elezi, L., Koren, J. P., Pirker, S., & Baumgartner, C. (2022). Automatic seizure detection and seizure pattern morphology. Clin Neurophysiol, -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2022.02.027
Elgohary, M., Palazzo, F. S., Breckwoldt, J., Cheng, A., Pellegrino, J., Schnaubelt, S., Greif, R., & Lockey, A. (2022). Blended learning for accredited life support courses - A systematic review. Resusc Plus, -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.resplu.2022.100240 (IF: 2.4)
Eredics, K., Wehrberger, C., Henning, A., Sevcenco, S., Marszalek, M., Rauchenwald, M., Falkensammer, C., Stoces, U., Madersbacher, S., Horetzky, M., Kunit, T., & Lusuardi, L. (2022). Rezūm water vapor therapy in multimorbid patients with urinary retention and catheter dependency. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis, 25(2), 302-305. doi: 10.1038/s41391-021-00462-w (IF: 4.8)
Feichtinger, X., Heimel, P., Tangl, S., Keibl, C., Nürnberger, S., Schanda, J. E., Hercher, D., Kocijan, R., Redl, H., Grillari, J., Fialka, C., & Mittermayr, R. (2022). Improved biomechanics in experimental chronic rotator cuff repair after shockwaves is not reflected by bone microarchitecture. PLoS One, 17(1), e0262294. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262294
Fernandez-Vaquero, M. A., Charco-Mora, P., Garcia-Aroca, M. A., & Greif, R. (2022). Preoperative airway ultrasound assessment in the sniffing position: a prospective observational study. Braz J Anesthesiol, -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.bjane.2022.07.003 (IF: 1.3)
Fernandez-Vaquero, M. A., Delgado-Cidranes, E., & Greif, R. (2022). Next generation in ultrasound imaging to assess upper airway. Braz J Anesthesiol, 72(5), 673-675. doi: 10.1016/j.bjane.2022.05.008 (IF: 1.3)
Feurstein, J., Behanova, M., Haschka, J., Roetzer, K., Uyanik, G., Hadzimuratovic, B., Witsch-Baumgartner, M., Schett, G., Zwerina, J., & Kocijan, R. (2022). Identifying adult hypophosphatasia in the rheumatology unit. Orphanet J Rare Dis, 17(1), 435. doi: 10.1186/s13023-022-02572-7
Fijacko, N., Creber, R. M., Chang, T. P., Krsteski, K., & Greif, R. (2022). Enhancing cardiopulmonary resuscitation education through game-based augmented reality face filters. Resuscitation, -(180), 108-110. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2022.09.021
Fijacko, N., Masterson Creber, R., Van Goor, S., Strnad, M., & Greif, R. (2022). Heterogeneity of teaching approaches to determine hand position for adult chest compressions among European basic life support instructors. Resuscitation, -(-), -. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2022.09.005
Fonti, M., Mader, T., Burmester-Kiang, J., Aberle, S. W., Horvath-Mechtler, B., Traugott, M., Laferl, H., Zoufaly, A., Wenisch, C., Erlacher, L., & Hoepler, W. (2022). Monkeypox associated acute arthritis. Lancet Rheumatol, 4(11), e804. doi: 10.1016/S2665-9913(22)00257-0
Fortelny, R. H., Andrade, D., Schirren, M., Baumann, P., Riedl, S., Reisensohn, C., Kewer, J. L., Hoelderle, J., Shamiyeh, A., Klugsberger, B., Maier, T. D., Schumacher, G., Köckerling, F., Pession, U., Hofmann, A., & Albertsmeier, M. (2022). Effects of the short stitch technique for midline abdominal closure on incisional hernia (ESTOIH): randomized clinical trial. Br J Surg, 109(9), 839-845. doi: 10.1093/bjs/znac194 (IF: 9.6)
Frank, S. L. (2022). § 80c ASVG. In R. Mosler, R. Müller, & W. J. Pfeil (Hrsg.), Der SV-Komm (S. 47-48). Wien: Manz Verlag.
Frank, S. L. (2022). §§ 1 bis 20 DVG. In M. Neumayr, & G. Reissner (Hrsg.), Zeller Kommentar zum Öffentlichen Dienstrecht (S. 1-55). Wien: Manz Verlag.