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Eichenberg, C., & Hübner, L. (2019). Kon­gress­be­richt: Inter­na­tio­nale Psy­cho­ana­ly­ti­sche Ver­ei­ni­gung (IPA): Das ewig Weib­li­che. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, Aus­gabe PP, 9, 406–408.
Eichenberg, C., & Hübner, L. (2019). Zahn­me­di­zin und Psy­cho­the­ra­pie: Koope­ra­tio­nen sind sinn­voll. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, Aus­gabe PP, 4, 176–178.
Eichenberg, C., & Schott, M. (2019). Use of Web-Based Health Services in Individuals With and Without Symptoms of Hypochondria: Survey Study. J Med Internet Res, 21(6), e10980. doi: 10.2196/10980
Eichenberg, C., & Schroiff, A. (2019). Smart­pho­ne­ab­hän­gig­keit: Hohe Rele­vanz in der Pra­xis. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, Aus­gabe PP, 2, 79–81.
Eichenberg, C., Hübner, L., Fiegl, J., Weihs, V., & Huber, K. (2019). Das Herz als Projektionsort psychischer Konflikte. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 100(8), 370-373. doi: -
Eichenberg, C., Kha­mis, M., Hüb­ner, L., Küsel, C., & Huss, J. (2019). Sex­ro­bo­ter in der The­ra­pie. Deut­sches Ärz­te­blatt, Aus­gabe PP, 5, 228–230.
Eichenberg, C., Khamis, M., & Hübner, L. (2019). The Attitudes of Therapists and Physicians on the Use of Sex Robots in Sexual Therapy: Online Survey and Interview Study. J Med Internet Res, 21(8), Epub. doi: 10.2196/13853
Eichenberg, C., Schott, M., & Schroiff, A. (2019). Comparison of Students With and Without Problematic Smartphone Use in Light of Attachment Style. Front Psychiatry, -(Epub), -. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00681
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Fabris, E., Van't Hof, A., Hamm, C., Lapostolle, F., Lassen, J., Goodman, S., Ten Berg, J., Bolognese, L., Cequier, A., Chettibi, M., Hammett, C., Huber, K., Janzon, M., Merkely, B., Storey, R., Zeymer, U., Cantor, W., Tsatsaris, A., Kerneis, M., Diallo, A., Vicaut, E., Montalescot, G., & Atlantic, I. (2019). Clinical impact and predictors of complete ST segment resolution after primary percutaneous coronary intervention: A subanalysis of the ATLANTIC Trial. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care, 8(3), 208-217. doi: 10.1177/2048872617727722
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Feichtenschlager, V., Weihsengruber, F., Richter, L., Vujic, I., Rappersberger, K., & Posch, C. (2019). Clinical melanoma characteristics and survival-a single-center retrospective study between 2000 and 2010. Wien Med Wochenschr, 169(13-14), 323-330. doi: 10.1007/s10354-018-0678-3
Feichtinger, X., Monforte, X., Keibl, C., Hercher, D., Schanda, J., Teuschl, A., Muschitz, C., Fialka, C., & Mittermayr, R. (2019). Substantial Biomechanical Improvement by Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy After Surgical Repair of Rodent Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears. Am J Sports Med., 47(9), 2158-2166. doi: 10.1177/0363546519854760
Feistritzer, H., Desch, S., Zeymer, U., Fuernau, G., De Waha-Thiele, S., Dudek, D., Huber, K., Stepinska, J., Schneider, S., Ouarrak, T., & Thiele, H. (2019). Prognostic Impact of Atrial Fibrillation in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiogenic Shock. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 12(6), e007661. doi: 10.1161/CIRCINTERVENTIONS.118.007661
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