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Geberth, L. (2022). Dialogical self on the slope: An analysis of family dynamics on skis. Culture & Psychology, -(Online first), -. doi: 10.1177/1354067X221147679 (IF: 1.251)
Geberth, L., & Woller, L. (2022). The future of university from diferent viewpoints: a commentary to Szulevicz et al. (2021). Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 56, 879–883. doi: 10.1007/s12124-022-09717-0 (IF: 1.2)
Giani, L., & Olivari, C. (2022). University and Higher Education: a Clockwork in Perpetual Motion. Human Arenas, -(Epub), -. doi: 0.1007/s42087-022-00300-y (IF: 1.3)
Giani, L., Michelini, G., Ajmone, P. F., Scaini, S., Selicorni, A., Vizziello, P. . B., & Costantino, A. (2022). Age-related hallmarks of psychopathology in Cornelia de Lange and Rubinstein-Taybi syndromes. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 126, 104235. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104235 (IF: 3)
Giani, L., Michelini, G., Nobile, M., Ajmone, P. F., Vizziello, P. G., & Scaini, S. (2022). Behavioral markers of social anxiety in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: A brief systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 636-643. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.12.099 (IF: 6.533)
Groenewald, C. B., Murray, C. B., Battaglia, M., Scaini, S., & Quinn, P. D. (2022). Prevalence of Pain Management Techniques Among Adults With Chronic Pain in the United States, 2019. JAMA Netw Open, 5(2), e2146697. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.46697 (IF: 13.8)
Hartner-Tiefenthaler, M., Zedlacher, E., & El Sehity, T. (2022). Remote workers’ free associations with working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria: The interaction between children and gender. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-19. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.859020 (IF: 4.0)
Heller, A., Decker, O., Clemens, V., Fegert, J. M., Heiner, S., Brähler, E., & Schmidt, P. (2022). Changes in authoritarianism before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparisons of latent means across East and West Germany, gender, age, and education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:941466, -. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.941466 (IF: 4.232)
Heller, A., Wicke, F., Kasinger, C., Beutel, M., Decker, O., Schuler, J., & Brähler, E. (2022). On the Association of Interpersonal Trust With Right-Wing Extremist and Authoritarian Attitudes. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(2), 460–474. doi: 10.5964/jspp.6741
Herbig, L., Wagoner, B., Watzlawik, M., Jensen, E., Lorenz, L., & Pfleger, A. (2022). Trajectories of Experience Through the Pandemic: A Qualitative Longitudinal Dataset. Frontiers in Political Sciences, 4, 791494. doi: 10.3389/fpos.2022.791494
Hrsg.: Brunner, M., Kirchhoff, C., Knasmüller, F., König, J., Lohl, J., Niendorf, J., Uhlig, T., & Winter, S. (2022). Landlust. Freie Assoziation, 24(2), -.
Hrsg.: Brunner, M., Kirchhoff, C., Knasmüller, F., König, J., Niendorf, J., Uhlig, T., & Winter, S. (2022). Virtually Gendered. Freie Assoziation - Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie, 25(1), -.
Hrsg.: Gries, R., & Satjukow, S. (2022). Geschichte! in Sozialen Medien. medien & zeit. Kommunikation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, 37(3), -.
Huf, N. (2022). Unfrozen: A Voice-Centered Listening Analysis of Self-Acceptance. In M. Watzlawik, & S. Salden (Eds.), Courageous Methods in Cultural Psychology (pp. 55-69). Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-93535-1_4
Jaeger, M., Gstoettner, M., & Fleischanderl, I. (2022). "A little monster inside me that comes out now and again": endometriosis and pain in Austria. Cad Saude Publica, 28(2), e00226320. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00226320
Jensen, E. A., Pfleger, A., Lorenz, L., Jensen, A. M., Wagoner, B., Watzlawik, M., & Herbig, L. (2022). Life Trajectories Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Repeated Measures Diary Survey Dataset From 2020-2021. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 817648. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.817648 (IF: 2.990)
Kalkstein, F., Pickel, G., Niendorf, J., Höcker, C., & Decker, O. (2022). Antifeminismus und Geschlechterdemokratie. In O. Decker, J. Kiess, A. Heller, & E. Brähler (Eds.), Autoritäre Dynamiken in unsicheren Zeiten Neue Herausforderungen – alte Reaktionen? (Leipziger Autoritarismus Studie 2022) (pp. 245-270). Gießen: Psychosozial.
Knasmüller, F., & Brunner, M. (2022). Schiefheilung als Kompromissbildung. Eine biographische Fallrekonstruktion der psychischen Funktionalität rechter Weltbilder. Psychologie & Gesellschaftskritik, 46(1/2), 111–138.
Koller, M., & Walla, P. (2022). Alternative methods to study affective information processing in brand co-creation. In S. Markovic (Ed.), Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation Theory, Practice and Ethical Implications (pp. 359-366). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Kovačević Tojnko, N., & Rožič, T. (2022). Skupne značilnosti programov metasupervizije znotraj socialnega varstva v Sloveniji in njihove podobnosti z generičnim modelom supervizije. Kairos: slovenska revija za psihoterapijo, 16(3-4), 81-121.
Krouzecky, C., & Stetina, B. U. (2022). Haustierhaltung und Long-COVID. Green Care, 9(4), 27-29.
Krouzecky, C., & Stetina, B. U. (2022). Tierische Begleitung in der Pandemie. Green Care, 9(4), 24-26.
Krouzecky, C., Aden, J., Bunina, A., Hametner, K., Klaps, A., Kovacovsky, Z., Ruck, N., & Stetina, B. U. (2022). "My Companion Through The Pandemic": The Importance of the Human-Animal Bond During COVID-19. People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 5(1), 1-17.
Krouzecky, C., Aden, J., Hametner, K., Klaps, A., Kovacovsky, Z., & Stetina, B. U. (2022). Fantastic Beasts and Why It Is Necessary to Understand Our Relationship—Animal Companionship under Challenging Circumstances Using the Example of Long-Covid. Animals, 12(15), 1892. doi: 10.3390/ani12151892 (IF: 3.231)
Lamanna, J., Ferro, M., Spadini, S., & Malgaroli, A. (2022). Exploiting the molecular diversity of the synapse to investigate neuronal communication: A guide through the current toolkit.. Eur J Neurosci, 56(12), 6141-6161. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15848